InterNoise 2024 - Keynote Lecture #4 by Kerstin Persson Waye : A Child Perspective on Noise Exposure and Health Effects – Challenges and Strategies

Duration: 00:52:20
Number of views 6
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The presentation discusses the challenges of adopting a child perspective on noise exposure and the health effects due to noise. It takes as a point of departure a child perspective on vulnerability, including exposure, susceptibility to effects and capacity to respond. It further acknowledges children’s vulnerability during development and growth, underlining neurodevelopmental processes from conception to young adulthood. In particular the presentation aims to highlight the fact that children’s activity pattern, place for activities, behaviour and physiology, make them differently exposed to and possibly differently vulnerable to noise. It further discusses the possibilities and strategies for child-specific assessment methods within indoor acoustic and noise control. By adopting a child perspective, incorporating their exposure, and reactions we may gain a comprehensive understanding of how children’s acoustic environment may even be supportive to mental and physical health. To advance this field of acoustics, interdisciplinary efforts are encouraged.

